What IF… this is true?

At the core of my coaching philosophy is the Inside Outstanding Understanding. I guess the best way to explain this is that it’s an understanding of how the mind works and once heard I couldn’t ignore it. I saw it as true. As a result, I have less on my mind, I ride the ups and downs of life with relative calm and ease and it means I can support others more effectively through my coaching.

One of my mentors recently suggested to me that I should share what I know. This made total sense, but I knew I didn’t want to ‘teach’ what I know. Always ready to take up a challenge, instead of teaching what I know, I have committed to creating a series of posts on my Facebook Page (Liz Taplin Coaching) to simply share.

Whether you are navigating a challenging moment in your career; wanting to create a legacy, solving a problem, setting out to realise a dream, or wanting to live life with more purpose and ease, I invite you to follow this new series of short thought-provokers. Or maybe you are just plain curious about what it is I’ll be sharing, which is simply the perfect place to be! I have just one request – read what I post and ask yourself this simple question: ‘What If this is true?

I will be providing the appropriate references for those who want to delve a little deeper at the end of this blog, which will take you to the relevant page of the appropriate book. Initially, I’ll be using a small number of books and YouTube videos, so the system below is a cheat’s version of Harvard Referencing! The citation on FB appears in the comments section of each What IF post and shows the post number and author. In the references below, you should be able to match up the post number with the full reference and page number. The list will build as the posts appear, so keep checking in here for the deeper dive.

I have no idea where this project will take us, but my aim is simple – to share what I know; to generate a spark of curiosity; and to leave you with the question: What if this is true?


Manning, K. Charbit, R. Krot, S. (2015) Invisible Power – Insight Principles at Work. Insight Principles Inc

#002 – P64 … #006 – P19


Neill, M. (2013) The Inside Out Revolution. Hay House

#001 – P13   …   #003 – P13   …   #004 – P39

Neill, M. Caffeine for the Soul.

#007 – https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=865313978290167&set=pb.100044347180094.-2207520000. Accessed: 6th October 2023

Pransky, G. (2017). The Relationship Handbook. Pransky & Associates

#005 – P11


Photo by Shannon Baldwin on Unsplash


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