As I moved away from my teaching career and towards coaching I realised there was a crowd forming around me looking for leadership. A group of passionate talented individuals from the teaching profession, curious about the secret.
The secret of how to leave the career they thought they would love forever.
Some were desperately unhappy and just wanted out of the school environment; some were looking for a new adventure; and others had hit a brick wall. All were in search of a better way of being, but they just weren’t sure what that meant or where they would find it.
I spoke to those who reached out, content in the knowledge that a single conversation can be of immense value to a person in need. Some wanted more and became clients. I helped them to identify what they really want to do and why. Alongside this intuitive way of working, I became a licensed Firework Coach. My skills as a heart-centred coach alongside the excellent Firework Career Change resources created the perfect space where my clients could experience a safe environment to off-load their concerns; dream about a better way of working; and enjoy discovering a new and exciting path to travel. Perhaps, most important of all, they began waking up to who they really were.
So, what happens in my career-change programme?
I take my client on a journey from uncertainty about their present career and not knowing what their next step might be, right the way through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for them, and a plan for how to create it.
A framework of dynamic and engaging exercises, tasks and conversations, draws out the client’s creativity and transferable skills and helps them recognise an exciting and viable set of options for the future. The programme then builds on the client’s own innate resourcefulness and wisdom and guides them toward discovering their next career.
The programme has been designed in three phases: EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER. Here’s what you can expect…
The EXPLORE phase entails a long, hard look at who you are. You’ll get a clear idea of aspects such as your values, your life purpose and what you need in your life to be happy and fulfilled. This is all about you as a person, your life as a whole. We also spend time in this phase looking at your work preferences. We’ll identify aspects such as your ideal working environment; your talents and passions; and everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied.
The next phase is DREAM. The creative part of the programme involves us generating a number of possible new career choices. We call it DREAM because the idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, not to be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. We then explore the most attractive ideas in some detail and finally narrow these down to between one and three strong possibilities.
The DISCOVER phase is the point where we investigate those possibilities and the reality. We use a creative and empowering process which lets you turn your vision for an exciting career into a soundly based action plan to make it happen.
Typically, the programme runs for between three and four months and is delivered via zoom on a one-to-one basis. It’s fun, it’s revealing, it’s life changing. It is also very competitively priced with payment plan options available.
Contact for a no-strings-attached conversation including the answers to questions such as: Is this programme for me? How much does it cost? Is there availability?