I had a fascinating conversation with a client last week during which we were beginning to explore what her Purpose in life might be. For me, this is often one of the early steps in the coaching process – helping someone wake up to who they really are and what they are here to do is the most important thing I can do for a fellow human being because it’s the start of everything unravelling in a positive way.
My client, a successful but extremely unhappy teacher, is looking to change careers and had recently committed to a six-month coaching programme with a focus on answering the question: “What should I do with my life?” Discovering her Purpose followed on nicely from the work we had done on identifying her values (which helps create the platform on which to explore what her next career might be).
I refer to it as a ‘fascinating’ conversation because we spent time exploring the difference between the phrases ‘living on purpose’ and ‘living with Purpose’ – both imply a deliberate and meaningful approach to life, but they carry subtly different connotations.
Living on Purpose
Living on purpose emphasises the idea of intentionality in every action and decision. It suggests that we are conscious of why we do what we do and that our actions are aligned with a specific intention or goal. This phrase often implies a strong sense of personal choice, meaning we are actively shaping our life moment to moment and making choices that align with our values and goals. It involves being proactive rather than reactive, making deliberate choices rather than just drifting through life. There’s an emphasis on the present moment and making each action count. It’s about who we are Being (a topic for another day!)
Living with Purpose
Living with Purpose focuses more on the underlying meaning and fulfilment that comes from having a sense of direction and meaning in life. For me, this phrase implies a more overarching life philosophy or mission, about having a clear understanding of what we want to achieve in the long term and letting that vision guide our life choices. Living with Purpose often relates to intrinsic motivation, where our actions are driven by internal values and passions rather than external rewards or pressures. It involves seeing our life as a whole and ensuring that our various activities and roles contribute to a sense of fulfilment.
Key Differences
There are subtle, but key, differences between the two concepts. ‘Living on purpose’ tends to focus on the intentionality and deliberate actions in the present moment, while ‘living with Purpose’ is more about the overarching sense of meaning and direction in life.
The approach to life also differs: ‘living on purpose’ is about being proactive and mindful in day-to-day activities, whereas ‘living with Purpose’ is about having a guiding mission or set of values that provide the sense of direction mentioned earlier and fulfilment over the long term.
The perspective each phrase brings is distinct: ‘living on purpose’ is more about the process and how we engage with life each day, whereas ‘living with Purpose’ is about our vision for life and the meaning that brings. My perspective is that both concepts are complementary and enrich our lives – striving to live both on purpose and with purpose combines intentional actions in the moment with a meaningful and fulfilling life vision.