The Power of Systems

I love reading! I love reading about people. I love reading winning-against-the-odds success stories. I love reading about the way people earn their living. I love reading about self-development and coaching. Some books provide entertainment, others provide snippets of useful information. A really good book inspires me to make changes. The Power of Systems, written by Steve Chandler and Trevor …

Informational Interviews

What are they and how can they help teachers transition to a new career? For teachers considering a career change, the prospect of leaving the classroom can be exciting and daunting in equal measure. The skills honed through years of teaching (for example, communication, organisation, problem-solving, to name but a few) are highly transferable, but navigating the transition into a …

Living On Purpose versus Living With Purpose

I had a fascinating conversation with a client last week during which we were beginning to explore what her Purpose in life might be. For me, this is often one of the early steps in the coaching process – helping someone wake up to who they really are and what they are here to do is the most important thing …