The First Steps for Career-Changers

Teachers (and other professionals) often find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating a change in careers. Whether driven by burnout, a desire for new challenges, or a shift in personal interests, the decision to step out of the classroom can be daunting. Success, however, begins with a simple step: a decision to look inwards before looking outwards. This inward reflection is …

Embracing Purpose Over Fear: Ways to Break Through the Feeling of Being Stuck

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed is a common struggle, one that can make the way forward seem impossible. Recently, a coaching client reached out to me, expressing their frustration and inability to see a clear path ahead. Their experience is familiar to many of us and highlights a significant challenge: the choice between living on purpose and living in fear. Living …

Effective Decision-Making

We make thousands of decisions every day of our lives. Most of these decisions don’t even enter our consciousness, but the relatively few that do can cause consternation, angst, and stress. This is the first of two (maybe three!) blogs which explores the art of effective decision-making. Decision-making is a problem-solving process through which we identify alternative solutions and choose …

The view from the top of the hill

Someone asked me the other day what sort of coach I was. I think they were expecting me to say I had a particular specialism – careers or relationships perhaps. However, I don’t consider myself as having a niche as such, so the question got me thinking. How should I describe what I do? Well, to start with, I work …