I am easily inspired. I can read something (sometimes a short quotation, sometimes something more substantial). I can hear someone speak. I can experience someone taking action. And I’m inspired. But to move that inspiration into action, for it to lead to transformation, I need to believe. I need to believe that it is true for me – just as the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard said “The thing is to understand myself: the thing is to find a truth which is true for me, to find the idea for which I can live and die.”
Let me share what happened to me, just a few weeks ago. I love learning, more so when it is in the realm of my work and my passion. I love coaching. I love unleashing my clients’ potential and witnessing their transformation. Consequently, I devour anything that will help me become a better coach. Recently I’ve been following a course created by the legendary coach Steve Chandler. His approach to coaching and building a business is exactly the way I want to do things, the way I am doing things.
The penultimate video was a recording of Chandler’s coach Steve Hardison (often referred to as the Ultimate Coach) giving a speech. Hardison rarely allows himself to be recorded, but in 2010 an extraordinary chain of events unfolded, which he was moved to speak about and he allowed his presentation to be recorded. You can see the recording here…
His story relates one of his clients, the NFL player Duce Latui and describes how they came to work together and what happened at their first meeting. I won’t spoil the story here, as I hope you take time to watch the video. However, what it all boiled down to was Latui making a personal inner commitment to be the best offensive linebacker in the National Football League. It was a commitment symbolised by the letters TBOLITNFL. It didn’t just mean he was committing to playing better football, it meant he was committing to being a better person, a better husband, a better father.
Hardison turns the table on the audience and says his presentation, and the reason for sharing the story, is not about Lutui, it’s about us. Each one of us. What personal inner commitment are we going to make? What is it that is going to drives our every move? What is it we believe in that we live and die for.
Watch the video. Don’t watch the video. I don’t really mind. But do make a personal inner commitment. Share it. Don’t share it. But live it. It’s the way I’m going to coach from now on. From my own personal inner commitment: TBCAMIMF. Message me if you want to know what it stands for: liz@liztaplin.com or find me on facebook: LizTaplin.com
And message me if you want me to help you find your personal inner commitment.
Photo credit: Unsplash / Ann Savchenko