I enjoyed my teaching career. It had its ups and downs and imposter syndrome seemed to be an ever-present ‘friend’ but looking back I can put my hand on my heart and say entering the teaching profession was a good decision for me. I feel I’ve made a difference in a number of ways, sometimes by accident, sometimes through sheer …
Meet my client Emma – she’s daring to dream
Over a period of seventeen years, Emma built a successful career in education, gaining experience in further education and higher education, both in the UK and overseas. She enjoyed teaching, but had long dreamt of becoming a writer. The dream became more pressing once she had gained her MA in Education (through which she presented fictional research as a method …
The history of coaching (and where I fit in)
I was interested to read the Robbins-Madanes understanding of where the term ‘Life Coaching’ originated from, as generally it is considered that it evolved from coaching sport. Here’s what Mark Peysha (2020) of Robbins-Madanes says: “The term ‘coaching’ developed at Oxford University in England in the 1830s, where it was used as slang for a kind of tutoring that would …
Ready to Roll
Dear Reader… Don’t be put off by the opening paragraph if you hate exercising and feel uncomfortable being physically active! This blog is to you, with love and understanding from me… Being physically active has always been an important part of my life. Climbing trees, learning to swim and riding my bike through puddles, are all fond childhood memories. It …
Unleashing Potential
YouTube is fast becoming my first choice of viewing, ahead of television. And in particular, I enjoy the TED talks (Talks in Education), which first aired in 1984 under the slogan of ‘ideas worth spreading’. One of my all-time favourite TED talks is ‘Are schools killing creativity?’ by Ken Robinson. I’m not alone – this particular TED talk, from 2007, …
When Lightening Strikes…
Funny how inspiration or insights suddenly pop into our heads and how lightening can strike to make an idea or issue seem so obvious in an instant. And funny how we are sometimes given several different signals before we have that moment of inspiration that provides us with the clarity we are seeking. I had such a moment not long …
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